The Account Profile page allows users to manage their account details, personal information, and contact settings. Fields marked with an asterisk are required fields.
Manage your account preferences, including email and timezone settings. Click the “Account Settings” button to edit these details.
Timezone Selection: Make sure your timezone is accurately set to reflect correct times for activities and notifications.
Update your profile picture, first name, and last name. Ensure your information is current to maintain a complete user profile.
Profile Picture: Upload a clear and professional image to help identify yourself to other users. Supported file types are .gif, .png, and .jpg. The maximum file size is 256x256 pixels.
Enter or modify your contact details, such as company name, title, address, and phone number. Keeping this information up to date helps improve communication and support.
Use the “Save” button at the bottom to confirm any changes made to your profile.
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For product support, email us at [email protected]
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Related Resources
Projects: Getting Started with Socratics